Dr. Sara Safari

Dr. Sara Safari
Founding Member

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    About Dr. Sara Safari

    Dr. Sara Safari is a lover of learning and sharing of knowledge. Her multi-cultural background, however, gives her a unique insight, desire, and opportunity to raise multi-cultural consciousness and provides her with openness to new people and new learning situations.

    As a business strategy consultant, Sara provides practice-oriented consulting services based on scientific research.

    Her passion for the innovative, knowledge-oriented business development emerged, when she first started her career in an ICT Business incubator in Iran, where she had the opportunity to learn and grow within a dynamic, start-up atmosphere. These learnings and experiences inspired her career path and academic journey in the field of e-Tourism and in particular the e-Destinations.

    Sara was the first award winning woman in the field of e-Tourism in Iran. Her research publication “developing an integrative destination management system for Iran” was a practice-oriented feasibility study conducted for the destination management organization of Iran, which won the award of excellence for the best research publication. She later on spent two years as guest researcher in France, Savoie, where she won the award of the Rhone Alpes best research publication.

    Since 2010 Sara has been living in Germany. Her field of research and consultancy focuses on the topic of “Smart Cities and the Destinations of the Future”, which incorporates number of important issues such as strategic intelligence, technology transfer, collaborative innovation, incubation, digitization, and sustainability; development and implementation of which requires the collaboration between stakeholders from academia, municipalities and corporate sector to integrate their contributions and efforts in order to find holistic solutions for the livable cities and their complex problems.